borges is always there seventy-five years ago to make you feel alone and priveleged when things get low. here is an excerpt from my book on borrowed observations about nazis, tentatively titled chris meade's book of borrowed observations regarding nazis, having been written under the working title "chris meade's upcoming book of borrowed observations of nazi phenomenology written with the assumption of oneday being given a proper title in the vein of chris meade' book of nazi observations made not by nazis but rather borrowed from others who made observations of nazis, often by exptrapolation, and created symbols which were collected in the present volume by chris meade.
"Ignoro si Jerusalem comprendió que si yo lo destruí, fue para destruir mi piedad. Ante mis ojos, no era un hombre, ni siquiera un judío; se había transformado en el símbolo de una detestada zona de mi alma. Yo agonicé con él, yo morí con él, yo de algún modo me he perdido con él; por eso fui implacable."
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