Saturday, January 12, 2008

goodnight moon

hi hi hi so now it's 2 in the morning and i'm tired and wanted to go straight to bed, told myself i'd go straight to bed when i got off the subway and got home, but here i am, writing to you all from my computer because i CAN'T GO TO BED WITHOUT CHECKING MY EMAIL (and my group blog, apparently), and it's totally completely utterly ridiculous i am like gmail and facebook addicted i really should just delete both of those accounts and throw em out window. also someone invited me to be hot on facebook or something weird like that and then i'm also playing italian scrabble and also i'm wearing wrist braces right now because my carpal tunnel hurts again these days. i miss you guys. i miss anton. i miss learning and talking about pain and language and translation and watching bad movies with sigourney weaver in them.
good night, moon. good luck.


elsie said...

Goodnight, Jillian. Want to read Marx with us? Not really right now?

cristina's butterflycakepan said...

can we have another poll?