Tuesday, August 21, 2007

back to school

I just had a really awkward encounter with a freshman girl who thought I was also a freshman (because I asked her where I could find a computer lab, and because I look like a freshman). She wanted to make friends. I said, "What do you want to study?" [English.] And, "Hey, maybe I'll have you as a student sometime!" And we were both mortified.


elsie said...

This didn't turn out to be an isolated incident.

C Meade said...


I have had, instead of encounters with undergraduates, encounters with older folks around town who ask what I'm doing (Comparative Literature) and what I'm doing (and then I start to ramble about the things that I want to study) and then WELL WHO ARE THE AUTHORS? THE AUTHORS!
Since this has begun I definitely envy you the name of your department (Plain Ol' Literature).

elsie said...

Except I live in North Carolina and people say (no kidding), "What's literature?"

C Meade said...

Today at orientation Yago told an anecdote about his orientation day in that state. Apparently, when asked if he was a marxist he replied, "What's that?" The man asking him, intimidated by the task of defining a marxist, ceded Yago the power as a person who questions form.

elsie said...

That's kind of how I feel about Marxism so far, yeah. Is it true that he (Yago) finished in 3 1/2 years??

C Meade said...

according to "magic words" essay he entered the program fall of 87.
and the department lists him as having been conferred upon in 1991.
1991-1987 :: 4-0
so depending on the month of the year, yeah