Tuesday, April 10, 2007

first I got a traffic citation and then I got accepted into a graduate program

and I am in a bad mood. I am really not happy about haaving to make a decision. I shouldn't be deciding things right now.


elsie said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCHRIS CONGRATULATIONS. WHICH ONE!!!!?????

C Meade said...

I got in off the waitlist at UMICH and they told me via email at 8AM, then again at 4PM and then, when I'd failed to answer my emails for eight hours, they started calling me. I'm being given until SUNDAY to decide. Talk to faculty. Interview with Google? in the next six days I'm supposed to do all of the things I didn't do since I got rejected already from everyplace.

cristina's butterflycakepan said...

MOST MOST EXCITING! CONGRAtulations! i'm going to live vicariously through this news.

Jesse said...

Congratulations, man.

That is absolutely fucking ridiculous of them to give you one week to decide whether or not you accept the offer. You should accept and then write a dissertation on how rude of them that was.

Jillian said...

i agree with jesse. accept and then shove it up their ass(es? collective ass? you choose).
p.s. if you go you get to hang with anton which is so awesome.
p.p.s. interview with google?! whatsawhoosit? your life is so EXCITING dude.
p.p.p.s. CONGRATS!!!